Vulnerability: The courage to show up when you can’t control the outcome.

Starting something new is exciting and terrifying with all of the emotions in between. Looking back, I delayed starting my business because I couldn’t control the outcome. I didn’t want to be vulnerable.

I shared my goal of starting my own business with a few close friends and family members over the years, but not with anyone who really understood what my daily work life was like as a paralegal. I feared my peers would tell me that it was a ridiculous idea and that I wouldn’t be successful. I hadn’t created a business plan or timeline. It was just an idea that lived in my head that I would periodically visit while walking my dogs or during a drive, but I never made it a priority. (At that point, I wasn’t taking it seriously, so why should anyone else?)

In 2021, one of my team members stopped by my office. I don’t recall what the conversation was about other than it had nothing to do with me starting my own business. As they were leaving my office, they paused for a few seconds and then told me that I should venture out on my own. They believed that I had so much more to offer outside of my current role and that I was leaving a lot on the table. When I shared my ultimate goal of starting a contract paralegal business, they nodded, smiled and walked out. They have been one of my biggest supporters to this day. (This is my recollection of events. Perhaps one day there will be a podcast and they can share their version of events. 😉)

Do I wish I had allowed myself to be vulnerable and share my goals with someone sooner? Yes, but I'm grateful it happened when it did and that this post is happening now and not in 2025 or 2026.

Be vulnerable - especially when you can't control the outcome. Keep showing up. Good things will happen.

Have you ever had to embrace vulnerability to reach your goals? Feel free to share in the comments.

P.S. - If you haven’t already, invest the time to watch Brene Brown’s “The Call to Courage” on Netflix. It’s time well spent. ✨


